Saturday, July 30, 2011

Finished the first week of school. So not ready to get back into doing work again but atleast im taking some  really easy classes.  Already had to do some reading for Locating Australia and a pralab and online tutorial quiz for Biology.  Finally got a chance to explore Wollongong and take some pictures now that it has been sunny and mid 60s this week.  All the Australians still think this is pretty cold.  Saw Harry Potter 7 Part 2 last night, it was awesome.  Went for a run a few days ago for the first time and when i got back and took a shower i got this weird red rash all over my body and it still hasnt gone away three days later.  Its getting really annoying.  Also I had one of my friends give me a haircut, this is the shortest my hair has been in awhile.  Here are some pictures of the orientation games, Kiama trip mentioned before as well as the city of Wollongong.

Orientation Games - When they called Kangaroo you had to jump on someones back and the last people to do this were eliminated


Kiama Blowhole.  Water would spray up from that hole pretty high everytime a wave crashed onto the rocks

Wollongong Light house/harbor
Panorama of city and harbor
Wollongong city from light house

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